How to get a Fancy Number from Maharashtra RTO (An Easy Guide)

So, you’re looking to get a fancy number (VIP Number) for your vehicle? That’s quite exciting! This simple guide will show you exactly how you can get a fancy number (VIP number) for your vehicle from Maharashtra RTO.

A fancy number will really help you stand out from the crowd and garner those extra eyeballs. We will highlight all of the necessary steps in a simple and easy to digest form on how you can get your brand new fancy number from Maharashtra RTO. Let’s begin!

This article will talk about the following:

  • What is a Fancy Vehicle Number?
  • How to Check on the Availability of Fancy Numbers?
  • How to get your Fancy Number?
  • What are the Charges for Fancy Numbers in Maharashtra?

What is a Fancy Vehicle Number?

A fancy vehicle number (VIP number) is a special set of numbers that depict a unique vehicle license plate. A fancy number is made up of a unique set of alphabets and numbers that are of the vehicle owner’s choosing.

An example of a fancy vehicle number could be license plates ending with 0001, 0007, 1111, 7777, and more. Fancy numbers are categorized into four categories, i.e Super Elite, Single Digit, Semi-Fancy Numbers, and Others. Each category has a different price point starting from ₹ 1 lakh and going as high as ₹ 5 lakhs.

How to Check on the Availability of Fancy Numbers?

You can check on the availability of fancy numbers with Maharashtra RTO by following the steps below:

  • First, you will need to visit the official Vahan Website and Login to your account.
  • Next, click on “Search by number” on the bottom right side.
  • Now, you will need to select your State, RTO Center, and the fancy number you desire from the “availability section.
  • Finally, you can view the list of all available fancy numbers.

How to get your Fancy Number?

Now that you have zeroed-in on your desired fancy number, you can also register it for yourself by following the below instructions. You can register your fancy number from Maharashtra RTO by following these steps:

Online Process to get Fancy Number in Maharashtra:

Step 1.) Login to your Vahan Account

First, you will need to login to your Vahan account. Once you are logged-in click on ‘’Search by Number.”

Step 2.) Select your desired fancy number

Now, you can select your desired fancy number from the “Search by Number” section.

Step 3.) Register for E-auction

Now, you will need to go to the “E-auction” section and register yourself in the vehicle number auction.

Step 4.) Click on “number selection”

Now that you have registered for e-auction, you will need to click on number selection” and select your fancy number.

Step 5.) Participate in the e-auction

Now that you have registered for the e-auction, you can now bid for your preferred fancy number. You can participate in the auction process by visiting Auction Services > Bidding Process.

You can now bid your selected price for your desired VIP number. If your bid is successful, you will have to deposit the bid amount within the Vahan portal. You will also get an acknowledgment for the same to your registered email ID and phone number.

Offline Process to get Fancy Number in Maharashtra:

Step 1.) Visit your RTO and submit application

First, you will need to visit your designated RTO. Then you will need to submit a physical application for allotment of fancy number.

Step 2.) Payment of fees

Next, the RTO officer will let you know if the desired fancy number is available. If available, you will be required to pay the charges for the fancy number. You can either pay the amount online or offline.

Step 3.) Fancy number allotment

Now, if your fancy number is available and you have paid the fees, you will then be allotted the fancy number under your name.

It is also possible that multiple people have made an application for the same number. If that is the case, then you will have to participate in the Vahan e-auction for availing your desired fancy number. The process of participating in the Vahan e-auction is mentioned above.

What are the Charges for Fancy Numbers in Maharashtra?

Mentioned within are the charges of fancy numbers in Maharashtra.


Fees / Charges

Types of Numbers

Super Elite

₹ 5,00,000


Single Digit / Elite

₹ 3,00,000

0002, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0007, 0008, 0009

Semi-Fancy Numbers

₹ 1,50,000 – ₹ 2,00,000

0009, 0099, 0786, 0099, 0999, 9999



7000, 7070, 8787, 8788, 8800, 2400, 2424, 2425, 2500, 0707, 0600, 0606, 0200, 9898, 9899, 9900

Charges are subject to change, kindly verify the same with your nearest RTO or check on Vahan e-auction.

Author BIO

This article is written by Team, an independent website that writes about insurance, finance, health, and more. Our writers have a wealth of knowledge, experience, and degrees in the fields of insurance, finance, economics, and beyond.

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