Mentioned within are a list of advanced calculators and tools that you can use to do a variety of calculations. The calculators and tools include the following: Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator, Pregnancy Due Date Calculator, Ovulation Calculator, Insurance Riders Tool, and more.

Calculators and Tools

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

    The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator takes in a person's height and weight, and gives out their Body Mass Index (BMI)

  • Insurance Riders Tool

    The Insurance Riders Tool gives out a list of the most popular health, life, and motor insurance riders available in the Indian insurance market. (Coming Soon)

  • Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

    The Pregnancy Due Date Calculator will give the approximate due date of a pregnancy based on the values provided by the user.

  • Ovulation Calculator

    The Ovulation Calculator will give out the approximate ovulation date of a person. (Coming Soon)

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