LIC Merchant Portal (login process, forgot password & change email ID process)

LIC merchants are individuals who are assigned by LIC to collect premiums from policyholders. It is the merchant’s task to collect insurance premiums and update records on the company’s end. They act as a vital cog in the company’s premium collection wing.
This article will show you how to log in to the LIC merchant portal in simple and easy-to-understand steps (with screenshots). Let us begin

How to login to the LIC merchant portal

Step 1: Visit the official LIC website and click on ‘Merchant Portal’

LIC homepage
LIC homepage

Step 2: Click on ‘Login’

LIC merchant portal
LIC merchant portal

Step 3: Enter your login credentials and press on ‘submit’

lic merchant portal login page

Change your LIC merchant portal password

There are times want to change your merchant portal’s password. Let us understand how you can change your password in simple steps.

Step 1: Go the the LIC merchant portal login page and click on ‘Change Password’

lic merchant portal login page chage password

Step 2: Change your password and the click on ‘Reset’

LIC merchant portal change password page

Kindly enter your user ID, current password, new password, confirm your new password and click on the ‘Reset button’. Your password will be changed to your new password.

Forgot your LIC merchant password

There are at times that you may forget your password. What happens then? No need to worry, you can easily regain access to your password by following these steps:

Step 1: Go the the LIC

merchant login portal and click on ‘Forgot Password’

LIC merchant portal forgot password

Step 2: Enter your user ID and email ID and click on ‘Mail new password’

LIC merchant portal forgot password page

Change or update your email ID

Let us now understand how you can update your email ID in simple steps.

Step 1: Visit the LIC merchant login page and click on ‘Update email ID to get OTP’

lic merchant portal login page update email id

Step 2: Fill in the details with your updated email ID

LIC merchant portal update email ID page

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