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While traveling abroad, we prepare to the best of our capacity for any emergencies. However, some emergencies like medical expenses, cancellations, delays, etc cannot be predicted. To safeguard yourself and your family from such situations you must invest in travel insurance for overseas.
Travel insurance provides financial aid against a wide variety of problems that may arise on a foreign trip. It may come in handy especially for those who are traveling to distant countries. If you’re planning to travel soon, you must understand what overseas travel insurance covers and what are its exclusions.
Travel insurance offers complete protection in case of unexpected illness, accidental injuries, and death. The insurance covers various expenses like pre and post-hospitalization costs, permanent disability expenses, dental cover, repatriation costs, etc.
The insurance company provides complete reimbursement in case of loss or displacement of baggage after checking in to the airport.
Trip cancellation cover takes care of all the expenses in case the trip is delayed for 12 hours or more due to the airline’s fault. Also, you will be provided reimbursement if you miss a connecting flight due to the delay of the first flight.
In case you need urgent money due to theft or robbery on the trip, the insurance company provides you the necessary help.
Insurance covers the loss of not only passports but any important travel documents and also reimburses you the cost of obtaining the duplicate / fresh documents.
In case your involuntary actions result in demise, injury, or damage of a person, the insurance will pay the necessary compensation to the concerned person.
If you are caught in the unfortunate event of a hijack, you will be given compensation provided the hijack lasts for more than 12 hours.
If your house is robbed during your international trip, you will be provided compensation for the loss of valuables.
Traveling abroad can be filled with many contingencies, but investing smartly in travel insurance for overseas will help protect you from it. Irrespective of the country you are traveling to, make sure that you purchase overseas travel insurance for the safety of yourself and your family.
Chat with our super-intelligent A.I model and ask it anything about insurance and related products.